Hands-Free Ultrasound

Hands-Free Ultrasound in Manasquan, NJ

Ultrasound is a therapy that is utilized in the office to handle injuries related to joints, muscle spasms, as well as most soft tissues. While it shares the same name, this ultrasound is not the same as the type of ultrasound utilized diagnostically to screen internally in the body. This ultrasound creates small sound waves that, in effect, vibrate and massage soft tissues and muscles. These sound waves do an excellent job of facilitating the body's healing process in addition to decreasing scar tissue formation.

Certain ultrasounds also create a heating effect to help relax the muscles or tightness in the body. This heat, combined with the overall features of the ultrasound, helps to start the healing process at the most basic cellular level speeding up your road to recovery.

Ultrasound Therapy in Manasquan, NJ

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Jersey Shore Institute of Health & Wellness

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